잊지말자 MBC, 잊지말자 한학수 PD
한학수, "한국인은 소경, 황우석 예수행세" 워싱턴 포스트
한학수 피디는 워싱턴 포스지에 "한국사람들은 진실에 대해서 소경" 이고,
"황우석은 절름발이와 앉은뱅이 고치는 예수 대접받아"라고 워싱턴 포스지에 인터뷰 하였다.
더우기 "황우석이 한국을 줄기세포연구와
생명공학기술분야에서 주요산업의 새로운 중심지로 만들고자 하였다"며, 마치 어찌 한국에서 그러한 업적을 할 수 있겠느냐하는 저자세의 사대주의적
발언을 연상시켰다. 자신의 폭로취재의 정당성을 알리기 위해 앞뒤가릴 것 없이 서슴치 않는 행동을 보여주었다.
이러한 짓은 마치
한국국민을 하등국민으로 낙인찍고 자신의 취재PD로서 고발능력을 외국인에게 칭찬받고 머리쓰다듬어 달라는 것과 같다.
그는 지금
해외에 유급휴가를 원하는 것으로 알려져있다. 그는 이제 해외유명인사가 되었다. 해외 특히 미국으로 부터. 워싱턴포스트지의 인터뷰는 이제 시작일
황박사는 망가질대로 망신창이가 되고 한국과학계는 흔들렸다. 그러나 이제 국제적으로 유명해진 한학수 PD의 미래는 매우
보장된 듯하다. 미국사회 여기저기서 그를 초청하려고 난리들일 것이다.
어떤 사람들은 그를 100년전 을사오적이 일본에 받은 것
이상의 명예가 따를 것이라고도 한다. 그의 이러한 출세를 부러워하는 한국의 젊은 일부과학자들도 있다.
한PD는 비난받을 일은
없다고 여길 것이다. 명분을 만들어 이렇게 말할 것이다. "자신이 생명윤리를 위한 험난한 가시밭길을 걷는 것일 뿐이다". "한국은 빨리 과학적
주제파악을 알아야한다". "황우석은 단지 희생양에 불과한 케이스이다".
아마도 그는 미국사회로 부터 우뢰와 같은 박수소리를
듣고 뿌듯해 있을 지도 모른다.
"The Korean people were blinded
against the truth all along," said Han Hak Soo, the producer and director of "PD
Notebook." "Hwang was not just a successful scientist, he had become a Jesus
figure, someone who said he could make the crippled walk again. He was going to
make Korea the center of a new major industry in stem cell research and
biotechnology. How could any good Korean dare question him?"
'Blinded' to Truth
By Anthony Faiola
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, January 13, 2006; Page A10
SEOUL, Jan. 12 -- When South
Korean investigative television reporters late last year exposed massive fraud
and ethical breaches by Hwang Woo Suk, the now-disgraced cloning scientist,
virtually nobody believed them.
Furious viewers demonstrated against
their program, "PD Notebook," and clogged its computers with e-mails. The show's
producer received death threats. President Roh Moo Hyun declared that the
allegations against Hwang, who had been given the official title of "supreme
scientist," were "ridiculous."
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"The Korean people were blinded against the truth all along," said Han
Hak Soo, the producer and director of "PD Notebook." "Hwang was not just a
successful scientist, he had become a Jesus figure, someone who said he could
make the crippled walk again. He was going to make Korea the center of a new
major industry in stem cell research and biotechnology. How could any good
Korean dare question him?"
Faced with overwhelming evidence, Hwang
apologized Thursday on national television for having published false research.
An academic panel at Seoul National University this week discredited Hwang's
claims in 2004 and 2005 that his research team had harvested stem cells from
cloned human embryos. Such a process could lead to new treatments for currently
incurable diseases.
Hwang's deception ranks as one of the
highest-profile cases of scientific fraud in recent history. The public
prosecutor's office, which has opened an investigation, seized documents
Thursday from Hwang and 11 of his colleagues.
Other researchers have
been working on the process and hope soon to succeed in producing stem cells
from cloned human embryos. But the issue of human cloning has generated a
substantial ethical debate in the United States and elsewhere.
Here in
South Korea, Hwang's case has provoked soul-searching about national values,
which often focus on success and quick results, sometimes at the expense of
ethical standards.
"Our society has been overwhelmed with the principle
of focusing on outcome instead of procedure, and we forgot that ends cannot
justify the means," Chung Un Chan, president of Seoul National University, where
most of Hwang's work was conducted, said in an apology to the nation Wednesday.
"Most of us, in the name of national interests, exaggerated Dr. Hwang's research
to make it an aspiration of the nation."
Over the past four decades,
South Korea has grown into the world's 11th-largest economy, while becoming
known for its unparalleled respect for higher education. With the government
supporting innovation in high-tech industries, South Korea has become a leading
player in the fields of semiconductors, automobile manufacturing and
Seeking also to promote its international position in
biotechnology research, the government delivered $30 million of funding to
Hwang's team with few strings attached, leading academics here said. Last
October, the government launched the World Stem Cell Hub, headed by Hwang and
intended to make South Korea a center for the medical cloning industry.
The drive to succeed was so strong that many top academics and
government officials concede they ignored a series of warning signs. The British
journal Nature, for example, starting in May 2004 repeatedly raised questions
about the ethical standards of Hwang's work. Last July, detailed charges of
exaggerations and ethical breaches by Hwang's team were posted on a scientific
Web site. Last fall, a group of young scientists demanded an inquiry into
Hwang's work at Seoul National University, South Korea's leading institution of
higher education.
The university was prodded into launching an official
investigation on Dec. 11, three weeks after the first expos?of Hwang by "PD
Notebook" and one week after a scientific Web site posted the doctored photos
that had been used to substantiate Hwang's work.
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